Saturday, April 12, 2008


It is that time of year again: Thunder Over Louisville (aka Thundar!) marks the official beginning of the Kentucky Derby Festival and due to a conflict with Passover has been scheduled a week early this year, giving us an extra week of the madness that is Durrbay!

This year is a chilly one at 50 degrees with the threat of rain as the B1 bombers whiz over Butchertown and rattle my 150 year old house. My cat, B-cup, is not pleased and frankly, neither am I.

Here are a few photos and observations from 2008's offering.

Thundar! offers the local Butchertown entrepreneurs an opportunity to rake in the big bucks. I saw parking from $15 to $35 dollars. This one was my favorite. Look closely at the sign.

Thundar! always kicks off with an eight hour long air show displaying the might and power of our US military. It's like being in Iraq only it's just for fun. With all those super cool planes flying around, the military sets up miles of recruiting booths. Look at that sweet Hummer. Dreams can come true.

The "Patriot Chopper" was new this year. Recruiting must be slow so they had to bring in this bad boy. You could even have your photo made in front of it!

In the midst of the madness, a small and quiet group of folks wandered through the masses with shirts that read "War is no Future." Buzz kill, man - this is Thundar!

The tanks were also new. They were crawling with kids who were clearly impressed. Don't they need to use these somewhere else?

So does all this hubbub really work? I mean who is going to actually sign up to go kill poor people so that rich people can get richer?

Oh, these people.

This whimsical soldier puppet has been in attendance in the past but this year he got a tan. Must have been all that middle eastern sun.

Not to worry, the spirit of Thundar! is alive and well with these underage thug-lets and their coconut monkey sippers.

Enjoy the fireworks boys, and god bless america.

1 comment:

b said...

is it gonna take another thunder to get you to bloggggggg?